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Boost your confidence & communication skills with Applied Improv! 🎭

Our exciting new class led by Mary Vuorela, starts this October! Discover the power of play and unlock your creative potential.

No experience is needed!


The experiential value of play, spontaneity, and intuition promotes personal and professional growth and nurtures innovation.

Improv emphasizes generosity, cooperation, trust, and experimentation which counterbalances fear and releases creativity.

Co-creativity is a life skill that helps individuals live more meaningfully and drives organizational performance.

Come try it out and change your life.

8 weeks starting Monday October 7th – Monday November 25th

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Cost $200

Contact Mary Vuorela at 514-971-9872 or mary.vuorela@sympatico.ca for more information

Limited spots, sign up today!

*Please note: This activity is presented in English.




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