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Susan Jephcott, Artist, Painter, VANKLEEK HILL, Ontario

Exhibition from November 24th – December 31st 2024

“I’m originally from Hudson and of Scottish ancestry. I painted and drawn all my life. I received my first set of oils at the age 12 years. My work evolved from studying highly textured figurative portraits at sharp symbolism, re-absorb and personalizing techniques classics and reorienting them towards an austere narration. For me, what connects my work is an ongoing battle between primitive human impulses and an unwavering destiny of myth and spirituality that forces the indomitable or those who don’t want to do what they want. In my world, the mind always wins and woe to those who choose madness or greed, conflict, and arrogance. Sometimes my frankness will make the viewer uncomfortable with images that are sometimes political, sometimes grotesque, or sexual. I invoke my fears, my dreams, and my anger to formulate a comment on problems contemporary. The act of painting is an incantation to make happen something.”

My exhibition is about the quandary that I find myself in these days. As many of us do.
There seems to be so much Confusion and Change… Part of me is angry and longs for the olden days of my childhood when life was simpler. When Life was golden…or was it? Should we do something?
Should we make noise? My way of making “noise” is through my art. Sometimes the noise is silly, to make us laugh and feel good…to stay the nightmare on the doorstep…


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