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The Hudson Creative Hub is proud to announce its first Hudson Animation and Short Film Festival (HASFF) whose mission is to support young filmmakers and animators.  Its objective is to assist young talent in securing networking opportunities and resources, helping to foster a new generation of creative artists.

The festival will allow Canadian filmmakers to find their voice and bring their stories to a Canadian audience.

This exciting festival will be animated by Mike Reid, a retired Sound and Video studio owner, who has served on the board of the Hudson Film Festival since 2018, serving as Technical Director and Curator for Ben’s Screening Room.  A creator of media since his teen years, his support of emerging filmmakers is of paramount importance to him.

The festival was developed by Don Mahon a veteran of the Montreal Film industry and professor of Illustration & Design and 3D Animation & CGI at Dawson College for 21 years.

We are delighted to announce that the Hub has received 89 submissions from exceptionally talented filmmakers, which will be judged by a panel of independent judges from Canada.  There will also be an opportunity for the audience to cast their votes!


Festival Schedule

  • Friday, April 19th 2024 @ 10 am to 4 pm: Presentation of film submissions
  • Saturday, April 20th, 2024 @ 10 am to 4 pm: Workshops for aspiring animation and short filmmakers.


On day two of the festival, Saturday, there will be workshops on various topics that will interest young filmmakers and animators.

Workshops are included in general admission.

1st workshop is with Oscar winner Brigitte Berman (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0075731/)

2nd workshop is with Soundman Gabor Vadnay (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0883020/)

Other workshops are to be announced soon.


Best of Festival – Ben McKinnon Excellence Award cash prize of $1,000.

Best Animation – cash prize of $500

Best live-action short film – cash prize of $500

People’s Choice Audience choice – cash prize of $500 (if this is also the judges’ selection, the winner will receive both prizes!)


Tickets $11 for the two days will be available online at the hasff website https://hudsonanimationshortfilmfestival.org/or at Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hudson-animation-short-film-festival-tickets-811666354917?aff=oddtdtcreator

There is a limited number of tickets available, any not sold online will be available at the door.

Join us as we celebrate the exceptional talent showcased at our First Annual ‘Hudson Animation and Short Film Festival’, as we embrace and support artists from across our vibrant community.

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